Setting up our fabulous showroom has also added to the exciting, but exhausting start to the school year.
However, when I am not feeding, ferrying, or chivvying my kids along, and ONLY if the days work is done, I allow myself to indulge in a golden 30 minutes of jewellery porn.
There are a few jewellery blogs that I follow, because in addition to what I do here with Lustre, I must confess, I love ALL jewellery. Fine, fun, vintage, semi precious, ALL of it. And the funny thing is, the older I get, the less I covet it to actually own. Looking at it is almost as much pleasure most of the time.
A few of my favourites here:
GEM GOSSIPYou cannot write a blog post of about jewellery bloggers, and not mention Gem Gossip.
Danielle has been a jewellery collector since she was four years old, but her career in the business officially started in 2008 when she began her successful blog, Gem Gossip.
The blog focuses on trends, antique and period jewellery, celebrity jewellery, and exclusive designer interviews.
It is also a fabulous hub for gemstone and jewellery education, considering Danielle’s Graduate Gemologist Studies through the Gemological Institute of America. With five years of experience as the head gemologist and appraiser at a local antique jewellery store, she has most recently decided to pursue writing and consulting full time.
There truly is joy in the world when you meet people who are happy to share freely with the world all that they love and have learned about. Her blog has stunning images of even more stunning jewellery. And even though most of it falls into the fine jewellery category, a girl can dream.

Natalie at Jewels du Jour highlights a variety of topics int he jewellery world. When you visit her blog, you can learn about jewellery shows, antique jewellery, trends, designers, jewellery books, auction and much more. Filled with a sophisticated feel, daily updates, this blog is a great resource of auctions highlights and news. The fact that her photos are beautifully shot, makes this entire experience a visual buffet.
Liza is a multicultural jewellery blogger, and professional gemologist. Her blog is exceptional - and not just because of it’s super cool title. It is professionally priced together and is presented in English, Brazilian Portuguese, and Russian. She travels the world to document her jewellery findings and interviews A-list celebrities, designers and fashion models.
Diamonds in the Library is a blog with an eclectic mix of gorgeous modern fems, timeless antique pieces and literature. Becky’s personal adventures and breakdowns of the jewellery she loves, is not only entreating to read, but also very thoroughly researched. Hop over from her blog to her Pinterest boards and be entertained for hours.
How about you? Any favourite blogs you read for eye candy? they could be clothing, accessories, watches, whatever - let me know in the comments below.
Written by Anaita Thakkar for Lustre Jewellery